P1 Enrolment

We are delighted that you are considering sending your child to join our St Cuthbert’s school family.

Our principal aim is to provide for each individual child the support and encouragement necessary for his/her moral, spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic development within the ethos of a Catholic school.

Virtual Tour

we have created a virtual tour that you can enjoy as a family, giving you a taste of what life at our wonderful school is all about. Enjoy!

**Tour video pending**


Enrolment for Primary 1 for August 2024 will commence on Monday 15th January, 2024. The online enrolment form will be made available on the South Lanarkshire website, which you can access by clicking on the following link:


Placing Requests

If your child is starting Primary 1 in August 2024 and you do not want them to attend their catchment school, you must still register your child at the catchment primary school even if you do intend to make a placing request. The best time to submit placing requests for the next school session is from mid January until 15 March and you should receive a response no later than 30 April.  

If you wish to make a placing request after your child has started P1, this can be done at any time during the school year.

Full guidance on how to request a placing request can be found on the council’s website at: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/569/school_placing_requests

Deferring your child’s entry

If you intends to defer the start of you child’s primary education, you should still apply to register your child in the appropriate catchment primary school and indicate your intention to defer entry. You should discuss the deferred application with your child’s current nursery establishment and they will provide and return the appropriate paperwork when completed to the Early Years Service for processing.

Full details on how to defer can be found on the South Lanarkshire Council website at:

What happens next?

Once you have enrolled your child for school, we will contact your child’s nursery and begin their transition process for joining us in August. We pride ourselves on ensuring each of our new pupils and their family are fully supported in making the transition to our school.

An overview of our transition programme includes:
January: Pupil Enrolment
February/March: Nursery visits with individual pupil transition meetings
May/June: Pupils and parents visit school for transition events

Stay in Touch

At St Cuthberts we like to ensure that all of our families are kept updated on school news and events. We appreciate how busy family life can be so have created a robust system which allows parents to keep informed.

Firstly, we encourage everyone to follow us on Twitter/X (@stcuthbertsps and @StCuthNursery), as well as keeping an eye on our school website for regular updates. Once your child starts school, each family is registered on our Parent Pay system which send school letters by email directly to your inbox.

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